
Verizon’s Interest in DISH Wireless Spectrum

by | Jun 23, 2014 | Provider News

DISH has purchased $17 billion worth of wireless spectrum since 2011 and is reportedly looking for a partner to build a wireless broadband network. But with the multiple merger deals being discussed, the number of potential partners is diminishing – quickly. Click here to find blogs on potential merging providers and other provider news.

Before this year’s surge of merger talks, DISH attempted to purchase Sprint back in 2013. If the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approves any of the potential mergers, DISH could take another try at making the buy but it has been reported that Verizon Wireless is interested in purchasing some of the wireless spectrum from DISH.

Perhaps in a move to try and avoid having to buy wireless spectrum through the government’s auctions that now have new regulations set by the FCC which makes it harder and more expensive to buy wireless spectrum, Verizon has expressed interest in DISH spectrum that compliments the spectrum the wireless company already owns. However, DISH has been rumored to be potentially placing a bid on T-Mobile so it would seem that Verizon may want to push for a deal before that happens.

But why would DISH want to sell any of their wireless spectrum licenses instead of just building out their own wireless network? One reason is that the satellite TV provider only has until 2017 to start building out at least 40 percent of its available spectrum before the FCC recovers the licenses. So selling to a partner would help DISH out tremendously in achieving that 40 percent.

Find deals for both service providers here.


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