
Merger Update: Internet Company to “Sell” Time Warner Customers

by | Apr 28, 2014 | Provider News

Comcast has announced via blog post that if the merger with Time Warner Cable is approved, they have agreed to “sell” 3.9 million customers to avoid any monopolistic results due to the merger. The agreement states 1.4 million Time Warner customers would be sold to Charter Communications while the other 2.5 million customers in Midwest and South regions will be absorbed into a new, independent, publicly traded company. Charter would own one-third of the new company, referred to as “SpinCo.”

A decision on the merger isn’t expected until the end of 2014, but the announcement comes right before the next House Judiciary Committee meeting which is scheduled for May 8. The agreement may be viewed as an attempt to try and improve Comcast’s image among the public who may have monopolistic concerns, but it more than likely won’t affect the opinions and concerns of the merger’s critics.


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